1995 - Gibson Custom Shop "Corvette '60" Les Paul - Guitars Collector

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GIBSON > Corvette Guitars

1995 - Gibson Custom Shop "Corvette '60" Les Paul
Limited Edition 200 pieces

Features include an Ebony fretboard inlayed with a gorgeous pearl "Corvette" logo script from 1960 corvette line. The headstock is inlayed with the Chevrolet Corvette crossed flags and these flags are also on the matching collectible case with crushed black velvet interior included here. The back cover plates and truss rod cover are engraved chrome plated brass (see pics) and the pickup covers are engraved with ''283'' and ''fuel injection'' in the original script. The maple top is hand carved to simulate the famous side scoop of the 1960 Corvette (see corvette pic). Original black leather case with Corvette emblem included.

Slash owned one with a red fin panel, that sold in 2011 Julien's Auctions for $14,080.

Gibson guitars and Corvettes first came together on a Custom Shop model on the Les Paul '60 Corvette, which was introduced in 1995 and featured authentic colors from 1960 Corvettes. Later that year Gibson Custom commemorated the '63 Corvette Sting Ray on an SG-style guitar, with the top of the guitar fashioned like the split rear window design o the car.

From 1997 Gibson's website: "One of the few things that conjure up romantic images as much as a Les Paul guitar is the Chevrolet Corvette. Incorporating design themes from that legendary automobile spawned the 1960 Corvette Guitar. From the distinctive Corvette logo that graces the headstock to the way the Corvette's unmistakable front quarter panel is mimicked in the body, this is an instrument sure to ignite passion in guitar and automobile enthusiasts alike."

Model Name:
Serial Numbers:
VIN5XXX ("XXX" = 001-200 printed in the back of the headstock)
white/black (Tuxedo)
white/azure (Cascade Green)
white/blue (Horizon Blue)

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